Dirt Bike Heaven
Indian Dunes Motorcycle Park Reunion
Indian Dunes was located just 30 miles north of Los Angeles. It came on the scene when times were wild and crazy, war raged in Viet Nam and Dirty Harry ruled the box office. From 1970 to 1985 it was a home away from home for a generation of moto enthusiasts. It was dirt bike heaven, a place of community and camaraderie where on any given weekend locals as well as Hollywood elites, including Steve McQueen and family, could be found. It was the place to be and the place to be seen.
Indian Dunes gave the moto world heroes and legends, and gave its moto family deep and lasting friendships. Love and thanks to all of you who came out to the Dunes reunion at Fasthouse for some tacos, some cold ones, and of course, a whole lot of bench racing.